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Down In Size

Today we, as in my mom, my grandma, and I, went shopping at the outlet mall. We were there to buy clothes and some dress pants for me to wear to church. We found ones that fit perfectly and they were two sizes less than my old pair and the shorts we bought, were three sizes down. I'm even down a shirt size. I'm genuinely so proud of myself. My stomach is almost completely flat and my thighs aren't as huge. Genetically, I got the Funderburg thighs, which means that it'll take a lot to have legs that look like actually sticks, and I don't think I'll ever get their. Damn you genetics. Anyways, I'm loosing a lot of inches and I'm really proud of myself. I can't wait for mount at this point. For some reason, I have this idea that if I walk into mount on the first day as a skinny girl, I'll loose my fat girl rep and be more confident. I'm just genuinely really happy and really excited about all this weight that I've been loosing. I'm not trying to brag, that's not why I'm writing this, I'm writing this to hopefully inspire some of you guys to eat healthier. The feeling I got when I went into the dressing room and I was down three sizes was amazing. I can't describe it. I'm not gonna lie, I legit almost cried when I looked in the mirror. For the longest time, I've struggled with my weight and dressing rooms have always been a living hell, but today, when I was able to find so many outfits that I genuinely looked good in, I almost broke down. I never thought I would be at this point. If at the beginning of the  year, you had told me that I would be down three sizes in a couple months, I would have called you crazy. I'm so proud of where I am and how I look. I'm going to continue to diet and loose weight, because I feel like I could look even better if I lost a little bit more. Ania, I don't know if you still read this, but thank you genuinely for starting the partner diet with me and motivated me to work hard for what I want. I've kept up my momentum since you quit and have done really well, so thank you for starting this journey by my side.


Oh my god. I got some cute clothes. My style has become a weird mix of boho and banana republic, because I always find stuff in there. I'm honestly becoming a bit of a shopper and have developed my own sense of style. I'm sure my style will change eventually, but right now, I'm in love with all of my clothes and can't wait to wear the new ones I got today.


I posted so much stuff these past two days and I'm genuinely proud of the stuff I've been putting out. I started a fanfic (I know that's stereotypical wattpad, but I've had this idea in my head for so long, practically two years at this point, and I needed to get it out there), I started a book for my random characters, and I started a book for feee book covers. I'm so proud of everything I've been doing these past two days and I'd love it if y'all checked it out. Also, this book is almost at 1.5 k so thank you for that! I love y'all!

Daily Overview


Based on the fact that I almost cried tears of joy in a dressing room of all places, I'd say it was an amazing day.

Bye <3

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