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So yeah. I missed a day. But this is the first thing I'm doing this morning so I don't feel as bad as I did. A lot happened and it was a pretty weird day.


So, I threw up. Twice. I couldn't sleep at all last night and eventually three up at 5 am. God, I was so tired when my mom woke me up at 9 am to go to the doctor. I still felt awful, so I brought a trash can and paper towels with me in the car. I didn't throw up in the car, thank god, but I was prepared to. We were at the doctors office for almost an hour, because they don't know what's wrong with me. I got my white blood cell count tested(that's where they get some blood), I got my pee tested(I peed into a cup and I have no idea what we were testing), and finally, at 3:30 pm, I had to come back and go to the radiologist. Now, some of your may be really confused. Not gonna lie, I was too, but we have a few things to talk about before we get to that. We went to Chick-Fil-A to get my mom and dad some food. I got a bunch of stares from the workers, because I still had the bucket in my lap. We went home and I started getting really hungry(which is a good thing) and I ate crackers while they ate Chick-fil-A. Needless to say, I was jealous. Then, I just sat down and watched the beginning of the Portugal vs. Spain game. I quickly fell asleep though, even though, according to my mom, it was a great game. I slept until the game was over and we had to leave to go get an ultrasound. You heard my right, folks. An ultrasound. So, they wanted to test for an ovarian cysts and to do that I had to have an ultrasound. So, I walk in with my mom, she fills out the papers, and a lady comes over and asks if I need to pee. I said not really. That was a mistake. Because I said not really, they made me wait an hour and drink water until I said I needed to pee. It was insane, but it actually went by pretty quickly. Then, we did the ultrasound. I didn't really know what was going on. I was just jamming to the Micheal Jackson songs they were playing on the speakers. The gel stuff smelled very distinctly of something, but I still don't know what that was.

Love, Simon

So, I got really bored when my parents left to go get food. They asked if I wanted them to just bring me something. I said yes, of coarse. I took it as an opportunity to watch Love, Simon. I got through the parts I read, but then they came home. I'm not done with it yet.

Random Points

The gel from the ultrasound smells good.

If you don't have to pee when you go to the ultrasound, your gonna have to wait for an hour

I love how the day after I catch up on YouTube, I don't watch any all day.

I have a right to look crap shit if I feel like crap.

I stop myself from cussing in this book, but sometimes it's really hard to do.

Marylyn Monroe died on my birthday but in 1962. Weird.

Daily Overview


It was a pretty bad day, but I found ways to make it not so bad.

Bye <3

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