G Noted

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So I forgot to write for yesterday and it was actually a pretty interesting day overall so hi.

Wattpad Reading

I spent practically the entire day reading and working out. I'm almost done with one of my physical books that I have and it's so good. The ship oh my god. I'll probably finish it today and I'll write a review the next day maybe.  Other than reading that, I read a lot of new books on wattpad and added them to a reading list. I revamped my account and I think it looks pretty good.

"Emo Music"

I played a lot of emo music yesterday and made a big station for it on Pandora. Yes, I use Pandora instead of Spotify don't judge me it fits the ascetic of the box it's in better than Spotify. I know that Panic and TOP and Green Day and MCR is typically "emo music" but honestly it's the closest modern music to the 60/70/80s rock that I can find and I'm into it. Don't judge it before you listen to it, because it's actually pretty good and it has actually instrumental bits in it which I really respect because sadly, that's hard to come across these days. Also, honestly, Brendan Urie's voice is so amazing. He can hit basically any note you want him to hit and it still sounds good. The music he makes might not be your type, but he deserves mad respect for his abilities and his artistry with his music videos. AHHH I JUST GOT G NOTED WHILE WRITING THIS AND IM SHOOK BHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I don't know. I guess I am kinda a soft emo. I'm like a Jesse Paege level of emo. The music is really good though. Also, when My My My started playing when I was watching 13 Reasons this weekend I literally screamed. Let's all be proud for a moment. Also, great song.


I think I've been avoiding making this decision for to long now. I've watched basically every documentary that I have access to that has anything to do with the food industry. I don't understand how I've gone this far not becoming vegetarian. My dad thinks it's insanely dumb, but he's allowing me to try it. As of tomorrow, I will be vegetarian. I don't think I need to go vegan, because I don't think it's necessarily bad to use animal products, but I've always hated the idea of eating a dead animal, and after watching all these documentaries, I literally feel bad every time I do. I'm going vegetarian. So yeah. I think it will be good for me not only physically but mentally too. I'm done just feeling bad when I eat a burger, I'm just not gonna eat one.

Daily Overview


It was good. I was forced to go to a church thing and it was really boring and I had nothing to do. Definitely not going back on Wednesday's if I don't know if something fun is happening.

Bye <3

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