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So I've decided to write my opinions on everyone down. This past school year has changed me for the better. I'm going to write how I felt about everyone at different times too. There might not be much of a change for many of them, but I still feel like writing it anyways.


September 2017-

Macy is an important part of my life. Just last year she basically saved me from myself and she doesn't even know it. She's so humble and smart and nice and she's not even trying insanely hard to do it. She's just genuinely great.

January 2018-

I've been getting even closer to Macy. I've been opening up to her and Ania a lot about the stuff I've been going through. I feel like even though she hasn't necessarily felt all of what I've felt or been through all of what I've been through, but she understands everything and doesn't hate me. She gets me more than anyone ever has before.


Macy. I don't even know what to say. You've become such an amazing influence on me and I love you. I don't know where I would be without you. I don't know who I would go to without you. You let me open up to you and I'm so lucky to have anyone like you in my life. Everyone needs a Macy. People like Macy make you who you are. Macy I'm so happy that we met back in 6th grade and I'm so happy that we have become such great friends. Thank you for everything. Thank you for saving me from myself back in 6th grade without even knowing you did it. I'm so lucky to have you.

Mary Joe

September 2017-

We started hanging out with Bella and Mj at the beginning of the year. I wished I had known her before. I wish that she could have been there for me back when I was going crazy. She seems to bring such a light to everyone's lives and I love it. I think that this might develop into one of the best friendships I've ever had.

January 2018-

We as a friend group have grown to accept Mj and we have become such amazing friends with her. She's become one of my best friends. She lets me and everyone else open up to her and she doesn't judge us. Ye energy she brings is amazing and I think that I need it in my life now that I've gained it.


Mj, I don't know what I would be without you. You bring such a light into my life and every time I see you you make me smile and make me happy without even trying. All you have to do is be there and I'm happy. You're so important to me and I genuinely think I need you with me. Just you in general is amazing and you mean so much to me. It's something I never knew I needed but now, I realize that everyone needs an mj. Everyone needs someone to be there for them like you are there for everyone you genuinely care about.


September 2017-

I only just started talking to Lily last year. She makes me confident. She seems to make me who I am. Who I truly am. Who I am without all of the insecurities. She is so confident. She doesn't care about what other people think. She just is who she is and is amazing to see.

January 2017-

I don't know if it was exactly around this time, but I'm going to say it was around this time. Some people started complaining about Lily and I'm going to be honest I did it too. I turned her strengths into flaws. I complained about her being herself and I regret it a lot. She remained herself though and I'm so thankful she did.


Sometimes the things Lily does she doesn't think about. When she sang that song, it didn't hurt, but I was scared. I was scared that everyone would find out about me, but looking back, I'm glad she did it. Lily I know you don't have wattpad, but I'm so thankful for you. You make me confident and comfortable with being myself, which is amazing. You've become such an important part of my life. You're one of my best friends and I love you.


September 2017-

I only started hanging out with Sophia a year ago and she has already become such an important part of my life. She has the exact same shitty humor as I do and it's hilarious. I love her. I love you Sophia.

January 2018-

Sophia is so important to me. She is the one that I can talk to about religion stuff, because she is my only non-catholic really close friend. She's so important to my sanity and she is so amazing.


Sophia, everything that I've said so far remains the same. You are the person that I need to keep me who I am. You have let me come to you and let me rant about the random things that get on my nerves and you understand. You've always understood. I'm so glad that you sat at our table in 7th grade. I'm so glad I didn't miss out on you and your amazing self.


September 2017-

I met Bella back in September. I liked her and she brought a light into my life. I didn't necessarily trust her immediately and I think that's because of the people she hung out with. They weren't bad people, but they can tend to cause a lot of drama, but Bella wasn't like that.

January 2018-

At this point, Ania and Bella's drama happened. I was convinced by some pretty bad things that Bella was gonna hurt the people I cared about. All that happened that and I've realized that all that happened was that I hurt Bella. I'm sorry I ever did that Bella. You didn't deserve it and I wish I could take back all the things I said. I was so rude and extra. I shouldn't have done it and thank god you forgave me.


Bella. Sadly you didn't end the year with us at school, but I'm so glad I got to know you before you left. You bring such a light to the friend group that I never knew I needed. Your always open to hearing me talk about my life and I'm glad to know that you feel like you can do the same. You've become someone that I need. I love you Bella.


September 2017-

Ania is one of my best friends and she is really funny and I'm glad to have her in my life. We may have been through a few arguments, but I feel like we are past it all.

January 2018-

Again, this wasn't around January, but it's fine. Recently Ania has seemed like she is really mad at me for something. I wish I could know what I did so I could fix it. I don't want to fight again. I hate fights and don't want to go through one with Ania.


If you asked me if I would take back all those moments with Ania, I would say no. It's made me realize that some people don't have good intentions and they don't want the best for you. She tried to hurt me, but it didn't hurt. I knew that it would happen eventually, but I wanted to pretend that it wouldn't happen. It did. I don't hate you Ania. I don't want to be your friend, because I'm not gonna go through that again, but I don't hate you.

I guess some things have changed for the better this year. I've made it through and honestly can't wait for mount. I know everything will change again there. I can't wait.

Bye <3

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