92 cents

11 2 0

Hey. So, today was less stressful, but I'm still overwhelmed. I'm hoping I get over it before school starts because I don't need that in my life at the beginning of high school.

Well. I'm realizing now that I don't really have anything to talk about in a paragraph. I guess I'm going straight to random Points.

Random Points

I went to Barnes and Noble with a budget of 55 dollars in gift cards. I got 5 books. It was 55 dollars and 92 cents. Clap clap for me.

I'm thinking of revamping my account a little but I don't know what to do. New covers? New bio? New pictures? Ugh I don't know.

I started reading Heretics Anonymous and it's amazing. It's literally describing the way I feel every day of my life and it's amazing. Please read it.

Tomorrow is a family reunion so I'm excited for that. I get to see some family that I don't see all the time. I have a big ass family. It's kinda amazing.

Jamming to songs in the car really brightens your mood. I did that today and I was happy all day. It felt good.

Daily Overview


The stress wasn't as severe as the last couple of days, so hopefully I'm getting better. We'll see.

Bye <3

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