Worms and Caterpillars

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I know what you must be thinking, Copercurlz, what are you going to write about on these things? I'll tell you what I think of these little monsters! I hate them. HATE THEM! 

Now I know you must be laughing at me, but I have a reason to hate them. In fact I just got over fearing them, and I still kind of do. And there is a story behind this. I'll tell you it. 

Now imagine a nice, sweet five year old girl just walking outside with her nice purple teddy bear that she loves. She is watching her big brothers and her uncle digging up dirt. She is just playing with the bear and her mother is watching and so is her dad. Now her brothers are a few years older than her. They find a handful of worms in the dirt and think it will be funny to throw them. And they toss them straight at the sweet little girl. They land on her hands and hair, and her bear. She screams and runs over to her mother and father with the bear. They yell at the boys and clean the girl off. She takes a long bath and the bear had to be washed. She was scarred for live. 

Yes, that is real. Yes I'm the girl. Yes I had a purple bear. Those little pink devils just make me want to flee from earth. I hate them and you will never make me like them. They are gross and slimy and ugly and pink. I hate worms. HATE THEM!!! 

Now on the to caterpillars. The fuzzy freaks. 

Now this one has to do with my baby sitter and good friend. We were at the park and I was playing with sand and other things. I was happy and having a good time. Than I felt something on my back. I thought it was just my skin and stuff, so I went up to her. I looked at her after turning around and her eyes were wide. She turned me around again and pulled five fucking caterpillars off of me! I was six. I was six years old and just had five fuzzy demons crawling on me. So I screamed and ran away to her car and didn't get out. Now I hate that park also. 

So am I over reacting a bit? More than likely. But you tell me that this isn't normal! Most fears and hates that people have are developed at a young age and stay with the child their whole life. It never goes away completely and more than likely never will. 

So what is the moral of the story here? That pink devils and fuzzy freaks should never be trusted. If you do trust a worm, make sure his name is Nightcrawler and he is blue. (Marvel geek right here) Just never trust caterpillars until they turn into butterflies. I got nothing against them. 

Also never trust your brothers with dirt and parks with sand in them. 

So vote if you hate these things too or where laughing your ass off at me the whole time. Comment what fear you have or what you really hate and do tell the story behind it. I want to hear it all! 

Peace out my Stars! 

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