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Alright now, this is a quick rant I wanted to write. Now you see, I just recently discovered that I'm gender fluid. If you don't know what that means, it means that I happen to go by two genders not just one. Instead of just going by she/her pronouns I go by she and he pronouns. It can be very hard to explain so if you want to know more you would have to look it up.

Well at school this one kid wanted to start stuff and started calling me an it since he said, and I do quote the best I can, 'I was a freak who couldn't figure out that I am clearly a girl.' I will admit, I have a female body. That doesn't mean anything. I could have a male body and I would still be gender fluid. Well it was starting to get to me. So my friend looked him square in the eye and this is how the coversion went. I will never forget it.

Friend: What sex are you?

Guy: Male.

Friend: What gender are you?

Guy: Male.

Friend: Is there a difference between gender and sex?

Guy: No.

Friend: Yes there is. Sex is what you are born as. There is only female and male. Gender is much different. You can be only one which is female, male, or agender. You can be two of these or you can think of yourself has all three. Yes she knows that her sex is female. Yet she feels that she can be either male or female. Sometimes we use he pronouns. Sometimes we use she. She'll answer to both. Does this effect who she was? No. Does it effect you at all? Shouldn't. Now show a little respect and stop calling him an it or else I'll do it to you. It isn't a gender. It is an object. So shut up!

Can we just have a slow clap for my friend here? They are pretty much the only person who understands what gender is. Gender isn't what is in my pants. That's my sex. My gender defines what I want to go by and who I think I am. There is nothing wrong with thinking I am two genders. To be honest, has time goes on, we may discover more genders.

To that kid, people even change genders. Does that make them any less of a woman or a man? No. They can be whatever they want to be. No matter what, people are still just that: people. In today's socity, we can be whatever we want to be. It's true some people don't feel they are either of the normal genders male or female. That is agender. Some people think they are two genders and other think they are three. Some people change genders. Some people stay the one they are born with. Is there a difference between these people? No. We are all human beings.

I think my friend taught that guy a few things. Sorry for the rant. I know it must have been confusing. It's hard to explain what I mean about this topic in which I don't sound stupid or more favoring one side. I could care less what your gender is. Your life, not mine. I'll call you whatever you want me to if it makes you happy and I feel comfortable doing so. That's all.

Peace out my Stars!

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