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So we all know I'm a fanfic writer. I do a lot of things, and might be one of the big guys in the Ghostbuster world. See what I did there, big guy? I'm shutting up. But I'm weird, and here's why: 


Alright, before you say "So some are good and you should like them!" I'm going to say, I agree. A few are good. But I don't like a lot of them. They are seem to want to just throw random things out there that people who are in it would never do! 

Let's take the R5 fanfics. I know a few people who write awesome fanfics on this group. My friend Austin write some good ones. IWantYouBad is also an awesome person at it. But some are just what the hell are you doing?! Some people make R5 kidnap the character. Why in the floor I am sitting on would any famous person kidnap someone! Sure people who are low down might buy you, but not R5! One direction has the same problem. Hell any group or famous person does! 

Here's a tip, make it real! Here's something that might be real: 

Whatever person that you are writing about is doing something at a mall. S/he might an awesome guy/gal and they start to hang out. Give it time goes no regular person just makes true love right there and then. Maybe they break up and they go out with a hot friend or sister/brother. Maybe they get with a car and die. I don't know, come up with something real! 

And don't you dare so that getting hit with a car is unlikely. Both my uncles got hit with a car, and they are still kicking! Can't say the same about my dog.... 

Another thing, if you are doing something like the Marvel universe, make the ships right! There is no Black Widow and Hawkeye! Natasha (her real name) went for a piece of that American Pie. If you don't get the joke cause you don't give a shit about it, it's Caption America. Clint (real name of Hawkeye) went for Mockingbird. Sorry Amazing Spiderman fans, Peter Parker put the ring on the red head Mary-Jean Watson! Gween is dead! All you X-Men fans, Storm married herself the Black Panther! 

That's about all the things I got on this. Just make it right. Treat it like a real book. 

Also, now dead people please. Unless you are doing something that deals with ghost has in the topic like Ghostbusters, than go ahead. Anything else, nope. 

I guess I am just picking on my fanfics. I ain't changing, so poor you. Won't read it unless it's good. So if you don't see me reading it, well.... you know. 

Peace out my Stars! 

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