So Much Nope

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Okay so I have this large fear of needles. I know a few people have this fear and a lot of people don't. Those who don't, they just don't understand the fear and stories that can come from needles.

So here is mine! Cause why not share something that scared me for life? *thumbs up*

Well I was about seven at the time. Before than I didn't really care about needles. Well I had to go in for something, I don't really remember what it was. But I do remember that I had to get an IV. So the nurse got out her needle and stuff to get the hole to put the IV in. No big deal right? Right?


She ended up sticking that freaking needle in my arm fifteen times. FIFTEEN TIMES! Why? She couldn't get the stupid thing in my arm because my veins are pretty thick! I had to feel the pain of this woman stabbing me with a needle fifteen flipping times! AND I WAS SEVEN!

In the end she went to my other arm and got it in the second time. But by then I was crying my eyes out saying I wanted to go home. I was done with that nurse and those needles. I don't like needles. I hate needles. I fear needles.

Don't judge me ;-;

Peace out my Stars!

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