What They Stand For

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My friend just asked me why I made Sal so powerful. She told me that's the only reason people like her: she's so powerful. To be honest, I've never really thought about why I made her so powerful until that question was asked. I knew it wasn't because I wanted a character who couldn't be beat. Sal never started out that way. She just kind of grew that way for a reason. It just kind of hit me. This was my answer: 

"I don't think that's the only reason people like Sal. I don't think people like very powerful characters like Sal or the Hulk or even Superman because they are so hard to kill. They like them because these people have an even harder struggle. I wanted to capture a struggle with Sal. She's only powerful because a demon  made her that way. She never wanted those powers. She's always fought to not be a monster and than one day she's told she's half demon. That always tears at her mind that if she was pushed far enough, she would be what she never wanted to be: a monster. Maybe that's why people like her so much. She fights so hard for people who hate her because she wants to show she isn't evil. She's very kind. People like characters who are powerful because they all share one common weakness: themselves. If you push them too far they'll turn evil and they won't be the people who fell in love with. They would be what they fear they are. Monsters. It's a struggle they all face and one that people love to read. They love to know that at the end of the day they aren't people playing gods. They are gods wanting to be humans. They don't want to be powerful. They hate everything that makes them the superhero. But they use the thing they hate most to save people. Maybe that's why we all love Sal. But what do I know?" 

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