Poor Kurt

37 3 19

So my cousin and I were talking and, well let the chat we have speak for itself. 

Cousin: Hey, what happens if Sal gets sick. 

Me: I guess Kurt takes care of her. 

Cousin: Would he feed her chicken noodle soup? 

Me: More than likely. I don't even think he knows how to cook. 

Cousin: Would there be a surprise in the soup? 

Me: What? 

Cousin: Well he's covered in fur so... 

Me: Do you know how mad she would be at him if he left his fur in her soup? Even if she's sick she'd still kick his butt. 

Cousin: Does she get angrier has she gets sicker. 

Me: Pretty much. He'd still take care of her since he loves her though. 

Cousin: ..... 

Me: What are you thinking? 

Cousin: I'm thinking of Kurt in a nurse outfit cause Summer put him in it and Sal kind of liked it. 

Me: .... 

Cousin: He'd even have high heels and everything. 

Me: This is why we can't have nice things. 

Cousin: You're laughing, aren't you? 

Me: Yes I am. That is just gold! 

Something is really wrong with us... but not has wrong has Nurse Kurt xD 

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