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Okay, so I'm pretty much going to be ranting in this chapter.

So you all know how a while back this person who used to be my friend pretty much tried to crush my dreams? Well I've done a pretty good job about keeping them out of my life. Yet they asked me why I haven't been talking to them. After I tried to explain why I haven't, they had the nerve to try to blame me for being, and I quote, a terrible person. Like what the hell?! I didn't do anything wrong!

Being the calm person I am, I kept trying to explain to them what had happened. What did they say? "Screw you and whatever you are doing. I hope you don't meet your dreams and life a sad lonely life. Face it, you'll need me but I won't be around cause you can't stop being a cry baby. Bye-bye bitch!!"

Like what the actual hell?! I was trying to be nice about this and that is how you respond? The only way you could have made it worse is if you told me to kill myself or something like that! Don't you think I know I'm not going anywhere? That I know I'm going to life a sad life? I don't need you and your harsh words to remind me! This just ruined my mood. Just... ugh.

I can't handle people. I really can't. I really wonder what was going through their mind. Oh well. Not much I can do about it... Sorry to waste your time with this rant. Had to get it off my chest.

Peace out my Stars.

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