Real Talk

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Okay, I don't really do too much serious stuff on here. But I have a large favor to ask for my fellow Americans who can vote and don't want Trump or any of the Republicans to win. 

Vote for Bernie Sanders. 

For those who don't know who this man is, he's running for president has well. He's a Democratic. He's probably the best bet for this country at this point in time if we want to become a better nation and things. He's got many good views on things. Here is a nice list for you: 

He's going raise the minimum wage so people can live off it. 

He's going make it a little easier for those coming from other countries to become Americans. 

He's going make health care free for everyone. It shouldn't be a right to live healthy. 

He's all for gay, trans, black, white, any gender, sexuality, and race. He knows you are a person no matter what. You should have those rights no matter what. 

He's all for women. He thinks that a woman should have control of her body. If you don't want a baby you have every right to get rid of it. 

He's going to make college free. Education should be a right has well. 

There is a lot more, but just know that he is ready to change America for the better. If you can't vote and live in American, push your family and anyone who can vote for him to do so. He's already passed Hilary. Let's get him to pass Trump. We all know we don't want that man. We want Sanders. 

Any questions I'll be happy to answer in the comments. Can't say I'm the best at politics, but I know I can answer a few. 

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