Our World

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So since Howlett and I talk about this all the time, I figured that I might has well post a chapter on it just so any one who happens to read our conversions or just likes Hetalia can know about our little world that we made to be nice to everyone! 

Well the first thing, or more person, you'll need to know is Gaia. Gaia is pretty much Earth. She's created all life and has shaped the Earth to what she wants. It's her planet and she loves it. Yet one day she meant a man. He's also important. His name was Terra or you can call him Pangaea. The two fell in love and soon got married. (Fun fact, since the two have only loved each other, they are the only straight couple in this world) 

Terra is the reason all the countries are around. For a long time, it turned out Gaia couldn't have children. Yet Terra knew she wanted a family. So out of stone he made a child. It's up to whoever you ask to tell you who he made first. Just know over time he made nine little stone children. So Gaia with her gift of life, brought them to life. They were the Ancients. Gaia gave them each a name and raised them has if she had given birth to them. They all called her mama, but she wasn't really their mother. 

Yet peace can never last. One day Terra found out his children were going to attack one another. So to keep them from fighting, he split up the land mass, thus killing him. Heart broken that her husband was dead, Gaia raised a large part of the ocean floor to create an island, but ended up using all her energy. She 'died'. But before, she named the island Pangaea in hopes he would come back to her. The thing about our Mother Earth here is that she can't really die. She goes into a coma for three days, than comes back. When she did, she awoke to see Terra alive. 

Over time, her and Terra made more little children. After a certain point, Gaia gave up her little ones so her Ancients could take care of them. One day she found out that her Romulus was dead. She was very upset about it. Next came her little Forkert. All the Ancients were dead. Gaia, pretty much being god, fixed it so once any of her children died, they would go to her island instead. They would live on Pangaea until the Earth was gone. They could leave if Gaia said they could, which is why you get a few surprise visits from Grandpa Rome. 

Now let's talk about Gilbert for a little bit. He should be dead. Yet Gaia knew he was still needed not only by his little brothers, but by most people. So she made it that he could stay if he was okay with being East Germany instead. Being the person he is, he said yes. 

Now in present times. After juggling going from going to her living to 'dead' children, Gaia had enough. She brought everyone to the island and let everyone live there. Now everyone was together again. 

So some ships in our world. I'll just list them: 

AusHun (Roderich and Elizabeta) 

AmeLiet (Toris and Alfred) 

FrUK (Arthur and Francis) 

Holy Italy (I don't know the real ship name, but it's Feli and William (Holy Rome)) 

SuFin (Berwald and Tino)

DenNor (Mathias and Lukas) 

CanAla (Matthew and my OC Dika who is Alaska) 

GerOrl (Ludwig and Howlett's OC Alex who is New Orleans) 

Janland (Don't know the ship, but it's Kiku and Basch)  

I think that's it. Howlett will have to remind if there are anymore. But for now, I think that's what you need to know about the world with the Island of Pangaea! Hope you like it! 

Peace out my Stars! 

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