Williams Sisters

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The oldest sister (and out of the three siblings) is Emma Williams, also known has Quebec. She has long blonde hair that she keeps in a pony tail just like her Grandpa Francis and his eyes too. She acts like a mix of all three of her grandpas, Francis more than the other two. She's can be loud if she wants to, but usually isn't. She very loving and caring and loves having a cup of tea every once in a while. When she gets older she'll also love wine. Don't get her mad though. She can act like like Grandpa Ivan when she's mad. She also really loves roses. Her physical age is eleven and she has a pet beaver named Ig. 

The middle child is of course Nathan who's just a mini me of Matt. He's also ten. Also has a grizzly bear named Wyatt. 

The youngest and the last girl is Olivia Williams. She's seven. She's also known has Alberta. She's got long light grey, almost white hair and purple eyes just like Dika's. She's an amazing huntress and tracker, usually only doing it if she's going to eat it and only does it when she's older. She's a lot like her mother. She's also not the scary type which she gets from her father. She's got her mother's love for sunflowers has well. She has a husky named Sunflower, but she usually calls him Sun for short. 

As they grow older, the two bond much more. Olivia is closer to their mother, Nathan to their father, and Emma to her grandpas. Yet they still love each other to death and would do anything for each other. 

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