War is Tough (Short Story)

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Wars are usually unforgiving things. One moment you can be sitting with the person you love, insulting them just for fun while giving cute little kisses here and there. The next, he can be cowering at your feet while you have a gun pressed to his head with your boss yelling to kill him. 

That's how Arthur and Francis were right this second. Arthur was staring into his husband's eyes has the Frenchman held a gun to the Englishman's head. Francis had tears in his eyes. He didn't want to kill his Iggy. He wanted to drop the gun and just hold him tightly. He wanted to act like nothing bad would happen and go into a world were it was just him and his husband. No war, no guns, nothing but old Frog Face and the awful cook. 

"Iggy...." Francis mumbled, not able to say anything else. 

"I know," Arthur told him, carefully taking his gun out, putting his gun to the other's head. "You don't want to live without me. Yet you know if you don't do it, he'll get someone to do it. So I'll count, and on three, we'll both shoot, alright?" All he got from the Frenchman was a nod, tears in his eyes. 

"I love you Arthur," Francis mumbled. 

"I love you Francis," Arthur said back. "One... two... three...." 


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