I'm So Mean

36 4 22

My friend who really likes Sal: Hey, it's father's day today! 

Me: Yeah, so? 

Friend: Well you spend time with your father, duh. 

Me: You know who can't do that anymore? 

Friend: Don't you even dare say it. 

Me: .... 

Me: :) 

Friend: I swear. 

Me: Sal can't spend time with her dad anytime, let alone today. 

Friend: ... 

Friend: Why the hell do I hang out with you? You are Satan. 

Me: Look on the bright side. She's got the Professor... Oh wait, he died too. 

Friend: REALLY?! 

Me: There's always Kurt. 

Friend: Good.

Me: He died too! 

Friend: SATAN! 

Me: >:D 

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