Useless 49 (Short Story)

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Dika sighed, hugging her American flag bear tightly. Another states meeting was held and once again she was ignored. She hated going to those meetings, but she had to go in case someone tried to hurt Alfred. Yet the other states never looked at her. If they did all they did was make fun of her. 

It wasn't easy being the black sheep of the US. Alex always claimed she was, but looking at maps only two places don't fight with the rest of the country: Alaska and Hawaii. Yet Rae always fit in with the others. She adapted to the other states like she had been there the whole time. 50 and the main 48 had a reason to be there. They helped the country go on. 

Unlike me, Dika thought sadly, looking at her map of the USA. You could easily cut her little section on there out and it would still look the same. I'm just useless 49, she thought, curling up on her bed. Who would want someone who's just an icebox and couldn't do anything. 

That night she ended up crying herself to sleep 'Who wants me anyway?' she thought has her eyes fell closed. 

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