Reason Why

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I know a lot of people who follow along with Dika have probably wondered why she thinks she's worthless. Well there are a few reasons. 

One is because for a long time a lot of people in America didn't want her. Almost every newspaper were asking 'Why they needed an icebox like Alaska?' She figured she wasn't wanted in the country she was sold to. 

Now no one in Russia seems to want her back either. She feels like if she ever needed to go back to her father's country, he would be the only one who would welcome her back. She would once again be the icebox no one wants. 

And no one's ever really wanted her for her. They only kept her because she could make them a lot of money. Her land is just filled with things you can sell. She wouldn't mind it so much if ones she runs out she'll be useless to them. They would want to get rid of her. 

Sometimes she wonders what Alfred would do if she did become useless. She also sometimes wonders if he'll attack her if her state does end up trying to be independent. Has her land becomes worthless, she's wondering if she'll have to break away. 

Alaska and Dika aren't doing their best. She's starting to wonder if anyone cares about her anymore. That's why she thinks she's just worthless 49. 

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