Short Story

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Date is always a cruel misstress. One minute you could be reunited with the person who meant the whole world to you, and the next they can be taken once again.

It was always hard to let things go. Alfred knew that. He was willing to fogive Ivan after the cold war. Yet his boss was not. He didn't trust the Russian. So has he stood there, hugging the girl he hadn't seen in so long, Alfred's boss put a knife in his hand. "Kill him," is all he said has he walked away.

Alfred didn't want to. Yet it was an order. Of he didn't do it, his boss would get someone he could. So he would make it quick and painless for Ivan. He slowly crept behind the Russian, knowing he couldn't hear him. He raised the knife, thrusting it down, tears in his eyes when he knew it hit something. He opened his eyes and gasped at the sight.

He hadn't hit Ivan. At the last second, Dika had jumped in front of her father, taking the blow. Blood stained her dress, leaving the Alaskan staring at her wound in shock. Her boss had just stabbed her in the gut, a perfect hit.

Ivan hugged his daughter tightly, trying to stop her from bleeding out. Yet it was too much damage. He knew she was gone. He looked down at her, tears shocking his face has he held her closer to him.

"No..." he whispered. "I-i just got you back!"

"Papa," Dika whispered up to him. "Don't cry. I'll always be your Little Sunflower..." she whispered taking his hand. "I love you..." Than the Alaskan took her final breath, making the Russian scream for her to come back.

Fate was cruel indeed.

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