Alaska and Dika

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You know how there's a group in Alaska trying to get the state to be a country? Well in Hetalia terms I think I know why they haven't done too much. If they need Dika to sign a paper, than she won't do it. It's not because she doesn't want to be a country. So would love to be one. Yet she's afraid about what will happen to her if she ends up being punished by the US government. 

They could sell her to other countries. They could break apart her state. They could tax her people to high heaven. They could remove Alaska from the maps, thus removing her from living. She's afraid of all the bad things that could happen if she tries to break away from America and loses. 

That and she doesn't want to fight Alfred and Alex and maybe Matthew. Hard to tell which side Canada would go to. But she doesn't want to fight her best friends. So she'll stay a state till she can't any more. 

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