What They Do When It's 'That Time Of The Month'

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Eren -

He understands the anger and gives you whatever food you want. He call it his "cheat week" where he eats whatever you don't have

Levi -

He won't be as pissy although his dark humour fuels your soul. He'll be the tiniest bit more affectionate.

Armin -

Feels super bad for you so he'll smother you in affection and is really cute about it all.

Jean -

Really sweet to you, hold your hands a lot, gives you cuddles. Most tender smile ever I can't even.

Marco -

Gentleman™️ So nice. Will be very patient. Marches straight into Kmart and shamelessly grabs whatever you need.

Connie -

He understands that you probably won't want to move so he'll keep your schedule empty and he'll put on rock music so you can scream out your feelings.


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