Headcanon (Bertoldt)

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So, we all know about the second time the wall got breached, and Eren managed to get onto the Colossal Titan's arm. I just wanna say

The next time we saw the Colossal, it was Bertl versus the entire Survey Corp. Eren managed to get further then the combined force of over 100 soldiers. Eren managed to get close to the nape before Bertl shot steam everywhere.

Do you reckon that Bertl hesitated to fight Eren, or at least fight to kill, because he wanted to cling to the last shred of humanity he had. Only once he was in a lot of danger did he finally fire off steam, and the last time we saw steam like that, it was Armin in Eren's place. Now, Bertl had already gone off the deep end at that point, and was fighting to kill, and so he did (almost). But when he was fighting Eren previously, he used steam, and it didn't hurt Eren.

I think that Bertoldt hesitated to fight Eren. And Ima cling to that headcanon.

Also where tf did Bertoldts body go. It didn't have time to evaporate before Eren looked. I understand Bertoldt escaping, but wtf happened to the body.


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