If He Went Blind

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I actually can't handle the meme up top, I actually can't.

Eren -

Loses all his confidence. Feels useless. Relies on Armin, Mikasa and you to help him. Is almost always holding your hand. Not as angry as you would expect. At first he expected it to heal but when it didn't oh shit. Eventually it would heal but the terror he felt when it didn't stuck with him for ages.

Levi -

Doesn't talk much anymore. Stuck to your side. Still orders everyone around. Feels like he's fucked up bc now humanity has lost their strongest soldier. He'd have sunglasses, I reckon, and he'd never open his eyes. Ever. The only time he would do it is if you begged him to let you see his eyes again because they are actually gorgeous

Armin -

It tears him apart. Fear increases by 100. Holds onto you. Vice grip. Closes himself off from everyone but you. His depression skyrockets. Feels utterly useless. Woah Meg calm your tits okay so he'd be pretty upset but he'd deal with it, try to move on, and he'd still help Hange so that gives him some relief

Jean -

Angry. Disappointed that he "can't see your beautiful face anymore". Deep down is really sad and shocked. He's just really pissy about it in general and thinks it's unfair. Probably gonna have a shit ton of stylish sunglasses if it's Modern AU

Marco -

Tries to be light about the situation while he feels really disappointed. Relies on you a lot. Will just sit down anywhere for long periods of time when you're with everyone else and listen to everyone talking laughing, adding his own little comments and trying to make himself forget

Connie -

Really quiet. If he has to he'll joke about the blindness "damn it's dark in here... Oh wait" but in reality he's terrified. Relies solely on you and constantly hugs you. Have I mentioned that Connie is pretty much the best at hugs he's so soft I mean uwah~


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