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Ryro: what do you think the best little Debbie thing is

Brendick: hmmmmmmm

Brendick: cosmic brownie

Brendick: easily

Ryro: really

Brendick: yes bitch fight me

Ryro: I mean they're good but like

Ryro: I feel like they're kinda over rated

Brendick: first of all

Brendick: bitch

Brendick: second of all

Brendick: they are not

Brendick: they are fucking delicious

Ryro: hm

Ryro: no

Ryro: they're alright

Brendick: well what do you think is the best

Ryro: uuuuhhhh

Ryro: shit

Ryro: swiss rolls are really good

Ryro: but like so are fudge rounds

Ryro: and the little oatmeal things that I don't remember exactly what they're called

Ryro: and the  f u c k i n g cupcakes man

Ryro: those are my shit

Brendick: k I asked for one not a list of everything they make

Ryro: oh fuck off

Brendick: so like can you pick one

Brendick: out of the million things you just listed

Ryro: uuuuhhhh

Ryro: I don't think I can tbh

Ryro: but I'll tell you one thing

Ryro: snowballs?

Ryro: the worst

Brendick: oh

Brendick: my god

Ryro: do you disagree bitch

Brendick: no

Brendick: they are actually awful

Brendick: like what are they even supposed to be

Ryro: I think theyre like

Ryro: coconut ?

Ryro: like a really shitty cake covered in coconut

Brendick: hm

Brendick: well they taste like rubber

Brendick: and they feel like rubber

Brendick: and they might as well just be called rubber

Ryro: what exactly does rubber taste like

Brendick: snowballs

Ryro: and uuuhhhh

Ryro: how do you know what rubbwe taste like

Brendick: I've eaten enough snowballs to know

Ryro: yeah but

Ryro: they aren't actually rubber

Brendick: they're pretty much rubber

Ryro: ok

Ryro: but

Ryro: you'd have to know what rubber tastes like to compare them to that

Brendick: I'm just assuming Ryan ok

Brendick: damn

Ryro: :)

Brendick: why are you smiling bitch

Ryro: cause I annoyed you

Brendick: wow

Brendick: bitch

Ryro: yup

Ryro: :)

"Exhaustion is my aesthetic" - Daniel, 2k18
B i g  m o o d

My mom has the flu and I'm pretty sure she gave it to me and now I'm bitter

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