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Ryro: Brendon

Ryro: I finally have plans for my future

Brendick: am I a part of it

Ryro: I mean

Ryro: hopefully

Brendick: nice

Ryro: so anyway

Ryro: I'm gonna have 100 children

Ryro: that way I'll have 100 friends

Ryro: and none of them can say no to being my friend

Brendick: wow Ry those are some great plans

Brendick: i'm seeing a few problems with it tho

Ryro: bitch no you don't this is a perfect plan

Brendick: ok no just hear me out

Brendick: one, where do you plan on getting so many children

Ryro: adoption, duh

Brendick: I don't think adoption centers will let you adopt that many children

Ryro: I'll go to multiple adoption centers

Brendick: alright whatever moving on

Brendick: assuming I am a part of this future

Brendick: which I plan to be, by the way

Brendick: there is no way in hell I'll remember the names of 100 children

Brendick: I don't even know the names if everyone in our class

Brendick: there is also no way in hell that I'll take care of 100 children

Brendick: I can barely take care of my self

Ryro: well

Ryro: what if we go 50

Brendick: ok maybe the names of people in our class was too broad

Brendick: I can barely remember the names of everyone in my family

Ryro: ok but to be fair you have a pretty big family

Ryro: like you have 4 siblings, your parents both have a lot of siblings, and each one of them had children

Brendick: that's true

Brendick: I hate having a family so big tho

Brendick: like I go to a family reunion and recognize maybe ten of the hundreds of faces

Ryro: its the opposite for me

Ryro: I go to a reunion and its just like

Ryro: all around me are familiar faces

Brendick: god dammit

Brendick: I am going to end my entire existence because of this

Brendick: thanks

Ryro: no problem

Ryro: :)

So we had this marching band "concert" last night and after it my dad was like "you percs (he calls percussionists that?  Idk why) sounded nice. You and the other bass hit at the same time, it sounded like one drum"
Yeah dad
We hit at the same time
Cause that's what we're supposed to do
If we just played randomly it would sound like shit

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