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Ryro: oh my god Brendon

Ryro: so I'm at my aunts right

Ryro: and she just got a cat

Ryro: and it is the best cat


Ryro: its so fucking fluffy

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Ryro: its so fucking fluffy

Brendick: you couldn't have just taken a normal picture of the cat could you

Brendick: you had to take the most fuck boyish picture you could

Ryro: hey

Ryro: you're the fuck boy in this relationship

Ryro: not me

Brendick: excuse you I haven't acted like a fuck boy in quite some time

Ryro: yeah

Ryro: sure you haven't

Brendick: I haven't

Brendick: name one time in the past two months that I've acted like a fuck boy

Ryro: well none come to mind right now

Brendick: exactly

Ryro: BUT

Ryro: I'm sure there's been times

Ryro: you probably chose two months cause you know you have in the last three

Brendick: that's nOT TRUE

Ryro: yeah I'm sure its not

Ryro: fuck boy

Brendick: shut up

Brendick: this is bullying

Brendick: I'm being bullied

Ryro: no

Ryro: I'm not a bully

Brendick: you are tho

Ryro: how can I be a bully if I'm not one

Brendick: I

Brendick: what

Brendick: you know what

Brendick: I'm tired

Brendick: tired of your shit

Ryro: mood

Brendick: you're tired of your own shit?

Ryro: bren

Ryro: I'm tired of my life

Brendick: same tbh

Brendick: not tired of yours

Brendick: tired of mine

Ryro: yeah

Ryro: yeah I got that

Brendick: I mean you could've thought I meant yours

Brendick: and then you would've though that I'm a dick

Brendick: which I mean I am but

Brendick: and you also would hate me and like

Brendick: I don't need that

Ryro: but see I can't hate you cause you're like the only person that puts up with most of my shit

Ryro: like I can't lose that

Brendick: wow that's the only reason ok

Ryro: well no there's more

Brendick: :)

Ryro: that's just the main reason

Brendick: o

,,,does anyone have any ideas that I could use for chapters cause like I'm down to 5 left to upload and I don't know what else to write about
I feel bad asking but like,,, I don't wanna end this
If you do give me something I'll credit you, cause we don't plagiarize here
They don't have to be long thought out ideas, just something vague to get me started

(Ok I'm gonna go jump off a cliff now cause I feel really awkward after that)

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