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Brendick: Ry I fucked up

Ryro: *sigh*

Ryro: what is it this time

Brendick: my mom cut herself while cooking and she screamed son of a bitch

Brendick: so I went in the kitchen and said "you called"

Brendick: and now she's pissed

Brendick: and I'm scared to leave my room

Ryro: your mom is so nice tho why are you scared

Brendick: yeah she's nice to you

Brendick: she likes you

Brendick: youre the child she wishes she had

Brendick: cause you're responsible and pay attention in school and are mature

Brendick: and I'm an irresponsible little shit whose highest grade is a C and has the maturity of a 12 year old boy who just went through sex ed

Brendick: those are her exact words by the way

Ryro: I feel like you did something else to piss her off other than indirectly call her a bitch

Brendick: she also may have found weed in my room

Ryro: goddammit Brendon

Ryro: I told you not to fucking keep weed in your house

Brendick: it's not even mine

Brendick: my brother fucking hid his in my room

Ryro: tell her its Matt's ?

Brendick: she won't believe me

Brendick: cause he's an angel child and is in college and actually doing something with his life

Brendick: don't you just love being the least favorite child

Ryro: well I mean I'm the only child so...

Ryro: would that make me the favorite and least favorite?

Brendick: um

Brendick: that's a question for your dad

Brendick: I'm too busy complaining to give an answer

Brendick: so anyways

Brendick: pretty sure my parents actually hate me

Ryro: they don't hate you

Brendick: they do though

Brendick: my mom literally just said to my dad "we should have stopped at 4"

Brendick: so that's great

Brendick: my parents don't even want me anymore

Brendick: all because they think I do drugs

Brendick: love my life

Ryro: aw Bren

Ryro: come over imma make you feel better

Brendick: can't

Brendick: I'm grounded

Brendick: probably gonna get my phone taken

Brendick: if I don't I'll text you later

Brendick: I'm taking a nap

Ryro: :/

Ryro: ok

Ryro: wait wait wait

Ryro: what if I talk to your parents and tell them that the weed in your room isn't yours

Ryro: cause they love me so much they might listen

Brendick: I don't know

Brendick: you can try I guess

Brendick: probably won't work but whatever

Brendick: I'm sleeping now

Ryro: ok

Ryro: goodnight

Brendick: night

Theres this kid in a few of my classes and he has the jaw line of Mikey fucking Way I swear to god you could cut a bitch with it

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