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Brendick: are you ok?

Brendick: did she hurt you really bad?

Ryro: I'm fine Brendon

Brendick: why do I get the feeling that you're lying

Ryro: I don't know

Ryro: I'm not lying

Brendick: ...I still don't believe you but whatever

Brendick: what song were you singing last night

Brendick: cause I liked it

Ryro: um

Ryro: it doesn't really have a title

Brendick: ??????

Ryro: it isn't finished either

Brendick: ?????????????????????

Ryro: you know what just forget I said anything

Brendick: no I'm confused explain

Ryro: what is there to explain

Brendick: how do you know it if it isn't even finished yet

Ryro: cause I wrote it

Brendick: oh

Brendick: oH

Brendick: OH

Brendick: you're good at writing

Ryro: thanks

Ryro: too bad my voice is fucking awful

Brendick: bitch the fuck are you talking about you have the voice of a goddamn angel

Ryro: wrong

Brendick: right

Ryro: lies

Brendick: truth

Ryro: why can't you accept the fact that my voice sucks

Brendick: why cant you accept the fact that your voice is great

Ryro: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Brendick: do you write a lot or was that song like a one time thing

Ryro: I mean I've written like one other song

Ryro: so not something I do a lot but not a one time thing

Brendick: what was the first song

Ryro: its called She Had The World and it sucks ass

Brendick: thats a lie

Ryro: you haven't even heard it

Brendick: yeah but I know its good going off of what I heard last night

Ryro: see that can't be true cause I'm not talented

Brendick: writing is a talent

Brendick: singing is a talent

Brendick: playing guitar like a fuckibg god is a talent

Brendick: and denying that you're gay for however many years is definitely a talent so

Brendick: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I've survived my first week of high school
My favorite part of the classes was watching the teachers try to figure out how to work their new smart boards

I actually learned something in Latin tho
I've translated a lyric
"Orantes pro amore in gremium chorus"
I'm a genius
And no I didn't use Google translate, its inaccurate as fuck

I actually learned something in Latin thoI've translated a lyric"Orantes pro amore in gremium chorus"I'm a genius And no I didn't use Google translate, its inaccurate as fuck

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I had my Latin teacher check it and he basically said "fuck Google translate, its a piece of shit. Especially when it comes to Latin"

Oh and I learned how to square dance in theology
I was stepped on so many times

My first football game is tonight and I'm low key terrified cause one of our bass drums can't play for shit
I'm almost certain he doesn't know how to read music

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