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Brendick: I fucking hate school

Ryro: same

Brendick: I fucking hate people

Ryro: again, same

Ryro: but why

Brendick: no reason in particular

Brendick: they're just fuckibg annoying

Ryro: true

Ryro: what class are you in

Brendick: science

Ryro: how the fuck do you have your phone out in science that old lady is gonna kill you

Brendick: wow you don't even know the teachers name smh

Brendick: fake student

Ryro: well do you know her name ?

Brendick: did she even tell us her name

Ryro: I don't think so

Brendick: anyways

Brendick: I'm getting away with it cause I'm hiding in the bathroom

Ryro: oh

Ryro: makes sense

Ryro: there's a sub for English and he's letting us use our phones

Brendick: that sounds nice

Brendick: I wish I was in English right now

Ryro: sucks to be you

Brendick: you should come to the bathroom

Brendick: I wanna talk

Ryro: we are talking

Brendick: I mean face to face moron

Ryro: ugh

Ryro: do I have to

Brendick: I mean I'm not forcing you to

Brendick: but I'd like it if you did

Ryro: *sigh*

Ryro: which bathroom

Brendick: second floor boys

Ryro: noo I thought you were in the girls bathroom

Brendick: fuck a off

Ryan sighs, forcing himself to get out from the desk, which was probably harder than it should have been considering how uncomfortable the desks are. He doesn't even bother asking the teacher if he can go, he's almost certain that he fell asleep at his desk, and he knows that his classmates will cover for him. It's like an unspoken agreement among all of the students; if you're doing something that you probably shouldn't be, they'll find some way to cover up your wrong doing.

Ryan walks into the bathroom to find Brendon sitting on the sink, swinging his legs back and forth and his head down. The door slams and Brendon looks up, a smile growing on his face. "Ryan," he says in a monotone voice.

"Brendon," Ryan replies in the same tone. Brendon slides off of the sink and walks over to Ryan, leaving barely an inch between the two.

"What would you do," Brendon starts. He pauses for a moment and puts a hand on Ryan's hip, causing Ryan to tense up. "If I kissed you?" He walks closer to the older boy, so close that their chests are touching.

"I- Brendon, d-"

"Wait, don't tell me, I want to find out."

Brendon kisses him, and Ryan's body tenses even more, if that's possible. Soon though, he finds himself relaxing into the kiss, and even, to his surprise, kissing the younger back.

All of my friends have homecoming dates and then there's me and I'm just like, its called homecoming because you're supposed to stay home

*sigh* I live a sad life

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