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Brendick: I talked to Z

Ryro: Brendon seriously don't get anything

Brendick: maybe I will maybe I won't

Brendick: but before I do I want to help you with something

Ryro: I wasn't aware that I needed help with anything

Brendick: so you know your girlfriend

Ryro: no Brendon, me and my girlfriend are complete strangers

Brendick: don't get sassy with me

Brendick: anyways

Brendick: someone who totally isn't Z told me that you need help getting out of said relationship

Ryro: Brendon

Ryro: I don't need help getting out of it

Brendick: that's where you're wrong bucko

Ryro: no seriously I'll break up with her if I want to

Brendick: you said that you were scared to, and now I know why you're scared, so I'm gonna help you

Ryro: wait you

Ryro: fucking Z

Ryro: I'm gonna kill her

Zeee Beeee was added to the chat by Ryro Ross

Ryro: what the fucking fuck Z

Ryro: I told you I didn't want anyone to know

Zeee: Ry look I'm sorry but you need to get out of this

Ryro: I don't need out of shit

Ryro: and trying to do anything about it will probably just make it worse

Brendick: ok let's just try something out ok

Brendick: what time does she usually come to your house

Ryro: like 7:30

Brendick: ok so what if we're talking when she comes over

Brendick: she might leave you alone

Ryro: we were talking once and it didn't stop her

Brendick: no I mean like on Skype or something

Ryro: I don't know

Zeee: yes you're doing it

Ryro: fine

Ryro: what's your Skype

Brendick: same as Kik

Brendick: yours?

Ryro: same as Kik

Ryro: do I really have to do this

Zeee: yes

Brendick: yes

Ryro: fine

Zeee: goodbye bitches

Zeee Beeee has left the chat

I hate my science teacher with a burning passion
He gave us an entire chapter of notes for homework
On the fucking second day
So I had that to do, plus a few pages of algebra, plus annotating stuff for English, and then two videos to watch for Latin
And then I had marching band, which kept me at school until five
And there's no way I'm not gonna shower after marching band cause then I'd feel disgusting
So I was up until almost midnight doing homework
I should have taken biology instead of physical science

Man I love high school

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