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Ryro: you know what I love

Brendick: me

Ryro: no

Brendick: oh

Ryro: I love

Ryro: when soundcloud rappers are like

Ryro: "y'all know who it is"

Ryro: like

Ryro: no sweetie

Ryro: I don't

Brendick: right

Brendick: no one knows who you are

Brendick: that's why you're on soundcloud

Ryro: like at least go to somewhere profitable

Ryro: that way you can try to get bigger

Ryro: like god damn at the very least go to YouTube

Brendick: noooo

Brendick: don't pollute YouTube

Ryro: honey

Ryro: its already polluted

Brendick: ok

Brendick: true

Brendick: but

Brendick: they don't need to pollute it even more

Ryro: alright yeah that's fair

Ryro: but I mean

Ryro: some good rappers come from soundcloud

Brendick: really

Brendick: name one

Ryro: ummmmmm

Brendick: my point exactly

Ryro: k but I don't really like rap music so like I don't think any of them are good

Ryro: you gotta ask someone that likes rap

Brendick: Ry

Brendick: you're giving the soundcloud rappers too much credit

Brendick: none of them are good

Brendick: none of them

Brendick: n o n e

Ryro: ok I get it Bren

Brendick: really

Brendick: are you sure

Brendick: cause I don't think you do

Ryro: no

Ryro: trust me I do

Brendick: a r e  y o u  s u r e

Ryro: y e s

Brendick: a r e  y o u  p o s i t i v e

Ryro: jesus bren stop

Brendick: I'm just tryna get that word count up man

Ryro: what

Brendick: what

Ryro: what

Brendick: nothing

Ryro: mhm

Brendick: :)

I fucking hate ohio weather oh my god
Yesterday it was like a mix of rain and snow all day
Today its fucking 60 degrees and its not even 7 a.m yet

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