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Brendick: did you know

Brendick: that in other places of the world

Brendick: instead of

Brendick: "rock paper scissors"

Brendick: they say

Brendick: "paper scissors rock"

Ryro: w h y  t h e  f u c k

Ryro: that like actually bothers me so fucking much

Ryro: like the syllables are in descending order

Ryro: its so much better in ascending order

Brendick: get out of here with your big words

Brendick: in 👏 this 👏 chat 👏 we 👏 use 👏 small 👏 words 👏

Brendick: this 👏 ain't 👏 no 👏 English 👏 essay 👏

Ryro: k but using big words makes me sound smart

Ryro: and I don't get to be smart often ok

Ryro: just let me have this

Brendick: fine

Brendick: but like usually I like differences in language

Brendick: like how in England they call fries chips

Brendick: and call chips crisps

Brendick: but paper scissors rock is just

Brendick: absolutely unacceptable

Ryro: right

Ryro: and there's also

Ryro: this doesn't have to do with language

Ryro: its more cultural ?

Ryro: I guess ?

Ryro: but bagged milk

Ryro: that's just fucking dumb

Ryro: what the fuck Canada

Brendick: no don't they have like pitchers that you can put the milk in

Brendick: like I think they come with a fridge and the bag can fit into it perfectly

Ryro: k but its still dumb

Ryro: and knowing me I'd open the bag wrong and get milk literally fucking everywhere

Brendick: that's why mops exist Ryan

Brendick: so when you inevitably spill a fucking bag of milk

Brendick: you can clean it up easily

Ryro: k but like I actually don't own a mop

Brendick: what

Brendick: seriously

Brendick: how do you clean anything

Ryro: we have a swiffer

Ryro: but like its not the same

Brendick: how do you not have a mop what the fuck

Ryro: honestly I don't know

Ryro: I don't think we have a broom either


Ryro: I don't know

Ryro: it shouldn't be

Ryro: neither of us clean

Brendick: y'all are fucking weird

Ryro: thanks

Brendick: you're welcome

On Friday we did a review in my algebra class and it was my turn to answer a question. We were like one point away from winning and one of the really popular bitches on my team was like "you got this erin"
And like three days later I'm still absolutely shook that she knows my name cause like I talk to no one in that class
But like
I'm so fucking shook

In other news, I feel like absolute shit and kinda feel like I'm gonna pass out, but my mom is sti making me go to school
Thanks for caring about my health, mom
Meanwhile my brother gets to stay home because he sneezed once three years ago

But no when I got out of bed I fell over and if not for a chair right by my bed I would've fallen face first into my piano

In other, other news, I finally got new shoes, so now I don't habe to perform surgery every morning on these pieces of shit

There is so much duct tape in those
It got to a point where I could barely get my shoe off cause my socks stuck to the duct tape

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