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Brendick: all of my siblings are such nerds

Brendick: its so stressful being the only cool child

Ryro: you

Ryro: you literally never leave your house

Brendick: that's not true

Brendick: I go to your house all the time

Brendick: and to do that I have to leave mine

Ryro: ok fine

Ryro: you only leave your house to immediately go to another house

Ryro: better?

Brendick: yes

Brendick: if youre gonna insult how much I get out at least do it properly

Brendick: you offended my culture

Ryro: the culture of never going outside ?

Brendick: no

Brendick: the culture of only going outside to then immediately go back inside

Brendick: you heathen

Brendick: you've offended me even more

Ryro: oh fucking well you god damn millennial

Brendick: fuck off you're one too

Ryro: I know I hate it

Ryro: we're so problematic

Brendick: every generation is  problematic

Brendick: you got the 1347 kids who definitely complained about unimportant shit

Ryro: grandpa got the black plague again, those damn rats

Brendick: are you saying the black plague wasn't important

Ryro: I mean it definitely wasn't necessary

Brendick: well yeah no shit

Brendick: it wiped out like all of Europe

Ryro: I  bet that was problematic for Europe

Brendick: I feel like every time you say that word you're using a different definition of it

Ryro: yeah

Brendick: why

Ryro: to annoy you

Brendick: fuck you

Ryro: ok

Brendick: what

Brendick: oh

Brendick: not what I meant

Brendick: but ok

Some wonderful things said by my science teacher yesterday

Teacher: so what are you guys asking  for for Christmas

Kid: money

Teacher: nice, nice. See I'm asking for money too, but that's because I have student loans to pay

Kid: oh sounds fun

Teacher: no, no its really not. It kinda sucks, actually

Some other kid: I want video games

Teacher: cool. You know, I think the best video games are multiplayer ones. Not like the online kind, but you actually have to see the person to play. That way I can see the pain and sadness in their fave as I absolutely destroy them

Kid: but what if you lose

Teacher: oh I don't lose

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