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Brendick: hey Ryan

Brendick: who do you think should be in the next super smash bros

Ryro: uuuuhhhh

Ryro: you remember clippy

Brendick: like

Brendick: from microsoft word

Ryro: yeah

Ryro: he should be in it

Ryro: just think about it

Ryro: bren

Ryro: why aren't you answering

Ryro: its not that bad of an idea

Brendick: hold on I'm doing something

Ryro: w h a t  a r e  y o u  d o i n g

Brendick: s o m e t h i n g

Brendick: you're distracting me stop

Brendick: its gonna take so long to get this done

Ryro: uuhghghhhhhhhggh

Ryro: bitch

Ryro: hurry up

Ryro: I'm bored

Brendick: oh my god

Brendick: you impatient bitch

Ryro: :)

Ryro: are you almost done

Brendick: yeah

Ryro: good

Brendick: and by yeah I mean not at all cause you keep fucking distracting me

Ryro: o h  m y  g o d

Brendick: ok

Brendick: its done

Brendick: are you ready


Brendick: beautiful ain't it

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Brendick: beautiful ain't it

Ryro: oh my god

Ryro: that

Ryro: that belongs in a museum

Brendick: right

Brendick: it looked so much better before I colored it tho

Brendick: like now it just looks like a vaguely Mario shaped blob

Ryro: I mean

Ryro: I think it kinda would've looked like a blob anyways

Brendick: ok

Brendick: yeah that's true

Ryro: wait why didn't you color his face

Brendick: cause it was too much work to make a color that looks somewhat like marios skin

Ryro: understandable

Brendick: and cause you kept bothering me so fucking much to finish it so like

Brendick: I thought it would take too long and you'd get even more whiny

Ryro: k well I'm sorry I crave attention and get moody when I don't get enough of it

Brendick: Jesus christ how did you survive before you met me

Ryro: I really didn't tbh

Brendick: if that ain't a fucking mood I don't know what is

Ryro: yeah I know I'm so #relatable

Brendick: I actually hate that thanks

Ryro: you're welcome darling :)


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