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Zeee: Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan

Ryro: what the fuck do you want its like 2 in the morning I'm trying to sleep

Brendick: same

Zeee: Ry you remember Spencer right

Brendick: wait who's Spencer

Ryro: no, Z

Ryro: I don't remember my best friend that killed himself

Brendick: oh

Zeee: Ry

Zeee: he isn't dead

Ryro: its too early for this shit Z

Ryro: he's dead, I found the body

Ryro: now I'm going back to sleep

Zeee: no Ryan come back

Zeee: he isn't dead

Zeee: I was out and I saw him

Ryro: no you didnt

Ryro: now leave me alone and let me be depressed

Zeee: Ryyyyyyaaaaaaannn

Zeee: Ryan answer me

Zeee: I can prove it

Brendick: he went back to sleep

Zeee: wait how do you know

Brendick: because I set up a fucking camera in his room, how do you think

Zeee: wHAT

Brendick: sarcasm, Elizabeth

Brendick: I'm at his house


Brendick: yeah

Ryro: wait Z what do you mean you have proof

Ryro: Z he is dead

Ryro: got it?

Ryro: DEAD




Ryro: right

Ryro: I'm sure she did



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Ryro: ....

Ryro: how

Zeee: I don't know

Ryro: does his phone still work

Ryro: does he even have his phone

Zeee: no but I can give him my old one hold on

Spence Smith was added to the chat by Zeee Beeee

Ryro: Spence

Spence: Ry

Ryro: I'm so confused

Spence: alright, long story short

Spence: Keltie didn't like how much time you spent with me, she fucking kidnapped me and hired a look alike to kill themself

Spence: I don't know if it was acting or what, but it happened, and then you broke up with her, so she let me go

Ryro: wait I broke up with her a few weeks ago

Spence: yeah

Spence: I've just kinda been roaming the streets cause I don't remember my way around

Spence: and then, for whatever reason, Z was out at like 1:30 and found me

Ryro: fuck

Ryro: meet me tomorrow at that diner near my house

Spence: Ry

Spence: I don't remember how to get anywhere

Ryro: have Z come with you

Spence: alright I'll be there

Hey so lowkey feeling super overwhelmed with school and shit so updating for this might change
It won't be on hold or anything, I have enough stuff pre-written that I won't have to do that, but it might not be every day
I don't know, it might not change
I just feel bad about it cause I already put one book on hold, and now I might be slowing updates for this

But I was actually working on homework from the minute I got home last night, around 3:20, to 9:45
Why don't teachers understand that their class isn't the only class

But I mean I guess school is more important than fan fiction
I don't know, I'll let you know if anything is changing

On a completely unrelated note, why the fuck are school bathrooms so disgusting
Like literally the only nice one in my school is on the first floor and its basically cheerleader central
Its really annoying when I have to change after school
And even during the school day there's always at least two of them in there

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