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Tw: attempted suicide
Stay safe my dudes

Ryro Ross was added to the chat by Brendick Urie

Brendick: Ryan come on its been a week

Brendick: talk to me

Zeee: um

Zeee: Brendon

Zeee: first of all don't kill me I just found out about this myself

Brendick: what's going on

Zeee: so you know all of those notes that were in his locker

Zeee: well there were a shit ton more

Zeee: most of them saying to kill himself

Zeee: well

Zeee: he tried to

Brendick: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Brendick: he didn't actually do it though right

Zeee: no he didn't succeed

Brendick: how long ago was it

Zeee: I don't know

Zeee: his dad just told me today

Zeee: but I haven't talked to him since Friday so it could have been any time over the weekend

Brendick: is he ok

Brendick: I mean obviously he's not ok cause he tried to kill himself but

Zeee: I know what you mean

Zeee: he's uh

Zeee: decent

Zeee: you should come to the hospital and see him

Brendick: I don't know

Brendick: he kinda hates me right now

Zeee: he doesn't hate you

Brendick: except yes he does

Zeee: he doesn't

Zeee: I'd have him prove it but he's not allowed to have his phone

Zeee: wait I'm an idiot

Zeee: Bren I don't hate you - Ry

Zeee: please come here - Ry

Brendick: Z

Brendick: you could have just typed those and signed Ryan's name

Zeee: *sigh*

Zeee: I didn't

Brendick: fine

Brendick: I'll be there soon

Zeee: good

Stttooorrryyy tiiimmmmeee
Oh boy

So during science yesterday, the guy that sits in front of me (also my crush) turns around and says "Sup" all casual like
Me, being an idiot, groaned and said "I want to die"

Now that's just something that I say all the time, I never mean it
I don't know why I do it, but I do

So he was just like "Oh" and it was awkward for like a minute
But then
Then he said "Do you wanna like, talk about whatever's going on? Cause like, I'll try to help if you do"

First of all, I thought shit like this was only supposed to happen in fanfictions
Second of all, there's nothing going on in my life, again, I just say that all the time

So, because I'm awkward and didn't want to say that it was nothing, I said "Nah, I don't want to talk about it"
And then he looked really sad like he actually cared about me (like who would do that) and before he turned around said "Alright, but if you change your mind I'm here"

So now my crush thinks I want death and probably thinks I need major help
Life is great

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