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Zeee: you fuckers are so fucking cute together

Zeee: like you aren't even actually together I don't get it

Brendick: its the gay

Ryro: definitely the gay

Brendick: gay just makes everything cuter

Brendick: which is why Ry is so cute



Ryro: nO


Zeee: first of all, rude

Brendick: second of all?

Zeee: no that's it

Brendick: oh

Brendick: well then

Brendick: I have no idea where I'm going with this

Ryro: ok me

Zeee: so

Zeee: when are you gonna start dating

Ryro: Z

Ryro: didn't Brendon tell you

Zeee: well yeah but

Zeee: you're just so cute together

Ryro: yeah well

Ryro: that's too bad

Zeee: but like

Zeee: aren't you kinda leading Brendon on

Zeee: cause like you make out and stuff

Brendick: I don't really care to be honest

Brendick: like I get that he isn't ready and I don't want to rush him into it

Brendick: even tho

Brendick: Ryan

Brendick: I'd love to be able to call you my boyfriend and not just someone I make out with occasionally

Zeee: awwwwwww

Ryro: Bren

Ryro: you're making me feel bad

Brendick: no no no no no no no no no

Brendick: that wasn't the goal at all

Brendick: thats actually the exact opposite of what I was aiming for

Brendick: wait I'm gonna make you feel better I'm coming to your house

Ryro: you don't even know where I live

Ryro: and Z is here

Zeee: I'll leave

Brendick: Z where does he live

Zeee: *insert some random address here cause I don't feel like making one up*


Ryro: ugh

Ryro: fine

So we had to write an essay on our summer reading books and I wrote mine on how much I hated the books

====So we had to write an essay on our summer reading books and I wrote mine on how much I hated the books

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I feel so accomplished
But I really need to know how the fuck I missed half a point

Why don't people realize that when I have ear buds in I can't hear them and I most likely don't want to talk to them

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