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Sarah💕 Orzechowski has been added to the chat by Brendick Urie

Sarah💕: sup nerds

Ryro: I'm offended??

Sarah: nice to meet you offended

Brendick: god fucking damn it

Brendick: ry she's just like you

Ryro: no I really don't think so

Sarah💕: why is that

Ryro: well for one thing I have a dick and you don't

Sarah💕: true

Brendick: ANYWAYS

Brendick: back to why I added Sarah

Brendick: Eliiiizzzzaaaabeethhh

Zeee: hm

Zeee: oH

Zeee: uh

Zeee: yo

Sarah💕: hey

Zeee: how's hell

Sarah💕: oh its great

Ryro: what

Ryro: where's hell this time

Sarah💕: my aunts house

Sarah💕: she's basically insane

Sarah💕: and I'm gonna be here for an entire week

Brendick: *roblox death sound*

Ryro: .,.no

Zeee: is it just you and your aunt

Sarah💕: my cousin is here too

Sarah💕: but she's also insane sooooooo

Sarah💕: by the end of the week I'll either be dead

Sarah💕: or

Sarah💕: no that's literally the only possible outcome

Brendick: rip

Sarah💕: but no its really bad cause I'm actually looking forward to school so I can be away from them

Sarah💕: like I never thought id be happy to go to school

Sarah💕: but here we are

Ryro: what if

Ryro: to make it less hellish

Ryro: wait are you allowed to have people over

Sarah💕: I don't know probably

Ryro: Ellliiizzzzaaabbeeetttthhh

Zeee: stop using my full name I'm offended

Brendick: Z get your tiny ass over to Sarah's aunts house

Zeee: but

Zeee: what if I don't want to 

Ryro: Elizabeth fucking Berg

Ryro: listen to your father

Sarah💕: ,, what

Zeee: ^^^

Brendick: I am your father and you will do as I say

Zeee: I'm older than you?

Brendick: uh no

Zeee: uh yes

Ryro: uh get your fucking ass over to Sarahs house

Zeee: damn bitch

Zeee: so bossy

Sarah💕: I bet Brendon likes that ;)

Brendick: woAH

Brendick: I am an innocent Mormon boy

Zeee: yeah

Zeee: that's why I could hear you screaming ryans name from down the street last night

Ryro: ... Cause we were playing monopoly

Sarah💕: ok but I've never met anyone who moans while playing monopoly

Brendick:  fuck off

Brendick: go get murdered by your aunt or some shit

Sarah💕: I died a long time ago

Sarah💕: on the inside

Ryro: that's edgy

Sarah💕: yup :)

This new wallpaper is just 👌👌👌

I'm obsessed I need them to release more music

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I'm obsessed
I need them to release more music

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