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Brendick: it must really fucking suck to be a fish

Ryro: why is that

Brendick: because literally everything wants to eat you

Brendick: people eat fish

Brendick: birds eat fish

Brendick: hell even big fish eat small fish

Brendick: it must be hell

Ryro: idk man I'd love it

Ryro: die sooner, ya know

Brendick: true

Ryro: also

Ryro: if you're a pet fish

Ryro: you'd just be swimming around living your life

Ryro: and then food just starts falling from the sky

Ryro: like forget raining men

Ryro: its raining food

Brendick: hallelujah

Ryro: did you think I'd forget to add that or something

Brendick: no

Brendick: I knew you wouldn't

Brendick: but I wanted to

Brendick: so I stole it from you

Ryro: that is

Ryro: incredibly rude

Brendick: I know you are but what am I

Ryro: a dick :)

Brendick: I k n o w y o u a r e b u t w h a t a m I

Ryro: ahhh fuck off

Brendick: make me ;)

Ryro: uuuggggghhhhghhg

Ryro: I hate you

Brendick: you love me

Ryro: uhhhhh

Ryro: no I hate you

Brendick: hmmm

Brendick: I think

Brendick: you're lying

Ryro: how do you know

Ryro: you don't know what goes on in my mind

Brendick: except yes I do

Brendick: you tell me like every thought you have

Brendick: I could say something and before I even finish I'd know what your response would be

Ryro: hm

Ryro: I guess that's

Ryro: kinda true

Brendick: entirely true

Ryro: ,, yeah

Brendick: so

Brendick: I'm right

Brendick: fuck you

Ryro: thanks B

Brendick: you're welcome :)

My science teacher wants to start teaching us physics because its his favorite topic
We are freshmen
Physics is a junior/senior class
And its not even required
Don't teach us shit that we don't need to know
Focus on what we need
This is why we're all failing his class

In other news, why the fuck are toasters so damn loud
Like I just wanna make some toast at one in the morning without my family knowing but the fucking toaster is a snitch so I can't

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