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Ryro: I just had

Ryro: possibly the worst idea in existence

Brendick: is it better or worse than "bike is short for bichael"

Ryro: um

Ryro: its debatable

Brendick: oh boy

Brendick: let's hear it

Ryro: ok so

Ryro: medusa is a thing right

Brendick: mhm

Ryro: so you

Ryro: you reverse

Ryro: medusa

Brendick: I'm really confused what

Brendick: reversing medusa like

Brendick: spelling the name backwards

Ryro: no no no

Ryro: so like you know how she has a human body but her hair is made of snakes

Brendick: yeah ?

Ryro: well

Ryro: what if she had the body of a snake and her hair was made of humans

Brendick: alright ryan I have one question for you

Brendick: why

Ryro: I don't know

Brendick: did Jon give you weed

Brendick: and did you smoke it without me

Ryro: no

Ryro: not this time

Brendick: the fuck do you mean not this time

Ryro: the bike thing happened when Jon gave me weed

Brendick: wow

Brendick: I can't believe you did drugs without me

Brendick: I'm telling your dad

Ryro: he doesn't give a shit

Ryro: as long as its not like crystal meth or something he doesn't care

Brendick: damn

Brendick: lucky

Ryro: yup :)

Brendick: wait wait wait

Brendick: thanks to you I have to ask this

Brendick: would medusas pubes be snakes

Ryro: whyyyyyy

Brendick: I'm curious

Ryro: you're a fucking weirdo

Brendick: in case you haven't noticed

Brendick: I'm weird

Brendick: I'm a weirdo

Brendick: I don't fit in

Brendick: I don't want to fit in

Brendick: have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on?

Brendick: that's weird

Ryro: I hate you

Brendick: love you too :)

Idk if any of y'all listen to Saint Motel but if you don't you totally should
I recommend listening to Local Long Distance Relationship cause that song is a fucking bop
So is Sweet Talk

this fucking shit kept my paranoid ass up all night thoLike I kept telling myself that I'm a fucking idiot, there's no one living in my attic, but this tiny part of my mind kept convincing me otherwise

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this fucking shit kept my paranoid ass up all night tho
Like I kept telling myself that I'm a fucking idiot, there's no one living in my attic, but this tiny part of my mind kept convincing me otherwise

I was writing an email to my guidance counselor yesterday and I spent a good thirty minutes trying to figure out if I should use "Hello," "Hi," or "Hey"
Or another option provided by my brother, "Henlo"

One of my friends keeps complaining that we never hang out anymore
Like bitch
You don't
Invite me
And she uses the excuse that I always say no
I said no the one time you invited me somewhere
Because I was fucking busy
I go places with my other friends all the time, because they actually invite me

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