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Brendick: I just turned in an essay due at midnight

Ryro: ,, its 11:58

Brendick: yup

Brendick: and I started writing it

Brendick: at 11:42

Ryro: jesus

Ryro: you fucking procrastinate procrastinating

Brendick: wouldn't that mean I start work the second its assigned

Brendick: like they'd cancel out

Brendick: cause of pemdas or some shit right

Ryro: I don't

Ryro: I don't think pemdas applies to real life

Brendick: are you saying math isn't used in real life

Ryro: that's exactly what I'm saying

Ryro: well most math anyway

Ryro: like I'm not gonna see a fucking warning sign and be like "I wonder what the hypotenuse of that sign is"

Ryro: I'm not gonna see a box and think "I wonder what the area of that would be if I cut a hole in it"

Brendick: its the same for science and history

Brendick: like English can kind of be used

Brendick: for like essays to get into college and shit

Brendick: but if I'm getting mugged or something I'm not gonna be like "actually, you can't hurt me, because I know that Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492"

Brendick: and I'm not gonna try to figure exactly what speed I'll need to be moving at to avoid getting shot after saying that

Ryro: I mean they'd be right to shoot you for that tho

Ryro: you fucking nerd

Brendick: thanks

Ryro: no problem

Brendick: shit my English teacher just emailed me

Ryro: ha

Brendick: "Brendon oh my god you can't be turning in essays two minutes before they're do you lazy fuck "

Ryro: I'm sure she worded it exactly like that right

Brendick: I may have paraphrased a bit

Ryro: yeah

Ryro: just a bit

Brendick: fuck off you bitch

Ryro: don't tell me what to do you bitch

Brendick: I'll do what I want bitch

Ryro: good for you bitch I didn't ask

Brendick: rude

Ryro: mhm

Ryro: I am

Ryro: what are you gonna do about it

Brendick: ,, I mean nothing I guess

Ryro: yeah that's what I thought

Ryro: bitch

Guys tide pod memes are on Facebook, it is officially a Dead Meme™
Abort mission, I repeat, Abort Mission

Its been dead for a long time what the fuck am I saying

I made a riverdale reference in school yesterday and no one got it and it lowkey ruined my day

Just kidding
My day gets ruined as soon as I wake up

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