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Private message between Ryro Ross and Brendick Urie

Ryro: fuck Bren im so sorry

Ryro: I shouldn't have acted the way I did

Ryro: I know I overreacted a shit ton

Ryro: I was a dick and I treated you awfully and I'm so sorry

Ryro: Ive just been really stressed and Sarah doing that made me snap

Ryro: and I was scared that you'd break up with me because you believed her

Ryro: and I know that's a shitty excuse but still

Ryro: please forgive me?


Ryro: are you gonna ignore me now?

Ryro: ok you know what that's fair

Group thing? I don't really know what to call it

Brendick: guuuyyysss

Brendick: I don't know what to doooooo

Brendick: 1 image attached

Brendick: like I wanna forgive him but I feel like a shouldn't that easily

Spence: I say forgive him

Jon???: same

Zeee: ok so

Zeee: you should forgive him, but don't let him know it yet

Zeee: torture him for a bit

Brendick: but I don't want to be mean to him

Zeee: so pure and innocent

Spence: are you sure you're talking about Brendon here

Zeee: good point

Zeee: but still

Zeee: forgive him, just don't let him know right away

Zeee: be petty

Brendick: petty is my middle name

Jon???: I thought it was gay ?

Brendick: that's my second middle name

Brendick: it's a backup

Brendick: an extra

Spence: extra,  just like me

Zeee: same

Spence: bitch don't steel my thing

Zeee: I'll do what I want fuckface

Spence: rude

Jon???: fight fight fight fight

Zeee: oof

Zeee: too much work

Spence: me

Zeee: now you're steeling my thing

Spence: we're even now

Zeee: ,,,

Zeee: fine

Me all of yesterday: ok one more episode of stranger things then I'll do my homework

Me at midnight: fuck I finished the whole season

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