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"Keltie's got herself a new man already," Z says, pointing at a table on the other side of the cafeteria as the three of them sit down for lunch.

"Good for her," Ryan says, uninterested. "Not so good for him, though. Poor kid, probably doesn't deserve what's coming for him."

"It's Dallon, so yeah, definitely doesn't deserve it... Oh, gross, they're kissing."

"Z, we don't need a play by play, thanks."

"You're not jealous, are you, Ryan?" Brendon asks in a disbelieving tone.

"Fuck no," Ryan scoffs. "I just really don't care what they're doing."

"She's looking at you now," Z says.

"Again, good for her. I don't give a fuck."

"She's standing up... And she's coming over here."

Seconds later, Keltie is at their table, sitting next to Z and across from Ryan and Brendon. Ryan tenses as she starts talking. "So, you've already replaced me?" She asks.

"You're one to talk. And no, who would I have replaced you with?"

"The one and only Brendon Urie, of course. I didn't know you were gay, Brendon."

"Flaming homosexual," Brendon says, sounding bored.

"So you and Ryan are a thing now?" Ryan tenses even more, clearly uncomfortable.

"No, we're not," he says, squeezing Ryan's hand under the table in an attempt to make him feel better. "We're friends."

Ryan looks at him emotionlessly for a second, and then looks away, a smile tugging at his lips. Brendon is about to pull his hand away when Ryan squeezes his hand back. Across from them, Keltie is giving them skeptical looks, while Z is grinning like an idiot.

"Uh huh. Well, I'll just leave you three alone then."

Keltie leaves, and Z looks at the boyd expectantly, lifting one eyebrow.

"What?" Ryan asks.

"Something's going on with you two... When are you gonna start dating? Or are you already dating? Yes, fuck, please be dating!"

"Z, we aren't, calm down," Brendon says. "Unless you want to." He nudges Ryan's shoulder.

Ryan rolls his eyes. "Fuck off."

Isn't it the best feeling in the world when you find out that your crush is already dating someone

No but she's actually super nice and pretty

I hate it

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