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Brendick: ok extremely  important question

Brendick: why are mini m&ms so much better than regular sized m&ms

Ryro: because of the square cube law

Brendick: the what now

Ryro: basically as volume decreases so does surface area, just not as quickly

Ryro: so mini m&ms have a higher candy to chocolate ratio than normal ones

Brendick: huh

Brendick: neeerrrddd

Brendick: no but that's actually kinda cool how do you know that

Ryro: I know shit

Brendick: well yeah obviously

Brendick: but how do you know that shit in particular

Ryro: this little thing I do called paying attention in class

Ryro: revolutionary, really

Ryro: you should try it some time

Brendick: bullshit

Brendick: we never learned about that

Brendick: and you dont pay attention either

Ryro: you don't have any proof

Brendick: I've seen you copying homework from multiple people

Ryro: that doesn't mean I don't pay attention

Ryro: it just means I'm too lazy to do my own work

Brendick: alright that's understandable

Brendick: but like did we actually learn what that is cause I don't remember it

Ryro: no I just said something randomly

Ryro: and then you asked what it was so like I thought I'd have to come up with some shit

Ryro: but I googled it and its an actual thing

Brendick: how are you so good at guessing at shit

Ryro: I don't know

Ryro: but I'm gonna be honest I've passed so many tests because I'm so good at guessing

Ryro: I made it to my senior year with the power of street knowledge

Brendick: damn

Brendick: that's impressive ngl

Ryro: right

Ryro: I amaze myself with my abilities sometimes

Brendick: well to be fair you're not good at many things

Ryro: oh fuck off


How the fuck did I get points off for a concertI showed upI playedWhat the fuck

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How the fuck did I get points off for a concert
I showed up
I played
What the fuck

"Oh you didn't play during a song so took off five points" bitch you told me not to play during that song

So my Latin teacher wants us to recite some shit and a kid asked when we were doing it and he replied "next year"
And we were all really fucking confused until we realized that next year is only a few fucking  weeks away

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