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Brendick: I just gave my dad an edible

Brendick: but he thinks its just a regular brownie

Brendick: and this is the funniest shit ever

Ryro: you're doing drugs

Ryro: without me

Brendick: yeah but thats not the point

Brendick: the point is to look at this fucking idiot


Ryro: your dad is lame

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Ryro: your dad is lame

Ryro: I don't need drugs to act like that

Brendick: well you aren't a 40 something year old man who doesn't know how to have fun without drugs

Ryro: wait bren

Ryro: you do realize that your mom is gonna kill you when she finds out about this

Brendick: who said anything about her finding out

Ryro: your dad is almost definitely gonna tell her

Brendick: no he won't

Brendick: he's the fun parent

Brendick: when he realizes he'll  be like

Brendick: "well I should probably beat your ass but that sounds like way too much work so let's go get ice cream"

Ryro: when he takes you for ice cream you better fucking bring me

Brendick: I'm not bringing you

Ryro: please

Brendick: fine

Brendick: since you've twisted my arm so fucking much

Ryro: I shouldn't have had to you bitch

Ryro: you should've taken me out of your own free will

Ryro: proves how much you really love me

Ryro: you don't

Brendick: you know that's a fucking lie

Ryro: hmmm

Ryro: do I

Brendick: you do don't fucking lie

Ryro: hmmmm

Ryro: I guess I do

Brendick: I told you

Ryro: yeah

Ryro: you did

Ryro: do you want a fucking medal

Brendick: no

Brendick: I want a nap

Ryro: you know what

Ryro: same

In band yesterday I for some reason got really dizzy and it happened right before we started the song
So I played right at the beginning, and I was focusing on not falling in to the bass drum right beside me so I didn't play the note
And the director was like "Erin, we started the song, you know that right?"
So I'm like "yeah, sorry. I got really dizzy and didn't want to fall"
And you could tell for like a split second he was concerned, maybe thinking "I should send her to the nurse?" But then he remembered that he's the band director and doesn't care about our health and was like "Whatever, just don't miss the first note next time"

It happened again at the  end of class after he told us to pack up, but that time I actually did fall over and he "yelled" at me for making Jack drop a pair of drumsticks so I didn't actually hit the ground
In his exact words "How could you do this? Do you have any idea how expensive those wooden cylinders are? And now they're on the ground, because of you. But you don't care, do you? No, you only care about yourself"

I really hate my phone cause its like "you're taking up all your storage dipshit" like no I'm not. I deleted all of my pictures (which was really hard for me to do cause I'm such trash), all my videos, and all the apps that I didn't regularly use.
You know what's taking up all that space? The fucking apps that came on my phone that I can't delete
The shit I actually put on my phone takes up almost no space

 You know what's taking up all that space? The fucking apps that came on my phone that I can't delete The shit I actually put on my phone takes up almost no space

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13 out of the 16GB of storage on my phone are taken up by shit I can't control

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