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Brendick: so you know in Frozen

Ryro: don't want to hear it bye

Ryro Ross has left the chat

Ryro Ross has been added to the chat by Brendick Urie

Brendick: you can't fucking escape

Ryro: but I want to

Brendick: well too bad

Brendick: so anyways

Brendick: when Hans is about to kiss Anna to unfreeze her heart or something

Brendick: he says "if only someone loved you" and backed away

Brendick: well the movie would've been a million times better if he turned a sad lyric evil and used that

Ryro: and what lyric is that

Brendick: "Someone will love you, but someone isn't me" and then he leaves her to die

Brendick: but Disney didn't fucking do that so the movie sucks ass

Brendick: like cause then after he leaves with the original script, its just like damn ok she's gonna die

Brendick: but then with my excellent modification, its like ok so she's probably gonna die cause he locked her here with no way out but like there's still some hope

Ryro: that ruins the suspense of whether or not she'll die tho

Ryro: cause if its someone WILL love you

Ryro: future tense

Ryro: meaning she's gonna get out and be saved

Brendick: fuck off with your grammar

Ryro: also I think another reason they didn't do that is because the song didn't exist when the movie was made

Brendick: hm

Brendick: yeah

Brendick: that's a pretty good reason

Brendick: they should make another version of the movie

Brendick: everything else is the same

Brendick: except that line

Ryro: that would just be a waste of everyones time and money

Brendick: fuck you I'd watch it

Ryro: only because its your idea

Ryro: if anyone else thought of it you'd think the same thing I do

Brendick: fuck you

Ryro: you're so mean to me

Brendick: no I'm not

Ryro: well hell I guess you're not then

Brendick: exactly :)


So uh someone read this chapter recently and asked to see what I look like with glasses soooooNow you all have to see my face again (I'm sorry) But this timeWith two pieces of glass in front of my eyes

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So uh someone read this chapter recently and asked to see what I look like with glasses sooooo
Now you all have to see my face again (I'm sorry)
But this time
With two pieces of glass in front of my eyes

So uh someone read this chapter recently and asked to see what I look like with glasses soooooNow you all have to see my face again (I'm sorry) But this timeWith two pieces of glass in front of my eyes

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B u r n  i t
I hate how I look with these so much

B u r n  i tI hate how I look with these so much

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First song of 2018
I think its a sign

So I went to a new years party last night
That was a mistake
The Dick was there before me, and I was there before Daniel, my body guard
And his job is to basically tell The Dick to fuck off cause I'm to quite and nice to do it myself

So there was like a good half hour that I didn't have my body guard (I mean I had my wife but she's also to shy and quite to do anything) and that was wild
He kept trying to talk to me and I kept walking away with excuses like "I need to use the bathroom " and "I need a drink" and "I'm hungry" and eventually he was like "you're not drinking nearly enough to have to go to the bathroom so much" like yeah bitch I know can't you take a fucking hint I don't want to talk to you

I felt really bad all night cause Daniel was the reason I was at the party and he didn't know The Dick was gonna be there and he kept apologizing all night

We played just dance a bunch and I'm almost certain that was the most exsersize I got all year

So anyways, more shit about The Dick cause that's what y'all are here for

Me and Daniel were chilling on one of the couches and he got up to get a drink, so The Dick fucking
He fucking
He sits down where Daniel was
And he
Puts an arm around me
there is no second of all I just felt it needed that

So Daniel gets back and is all chill and says "dude, I was sitting there" so The Dick moves and once hes far enough away Daniels like "Do you want me to murder him? Cause I'll fucking murder him"
Everyone needs a Daniel in their life
If you don't have one, get yourself one
They go for about 12 US dollars on eBay

Oh and we got a shit ton of snow during this party, so anyone who didn't live super close had to stay the night
And we lost power so that was wonderful
So the girl who threw the party had like 20 people sleeping at her house that night
And I happened to be one of them
Along with The Dick
And, thank the fucking lord, Daniel

The Dick literally pulled this shit on me
"so, its pretty cold in here and there's not a lot of blankets. I think some of us are gonna have to huddle up" THEN HE FUCKING WINKED
And I fucking
This is probably the best thing I said to get rid of him face to face
Like its not even that great but it got rid of him
"Yeah, probably. I got Daniel, you can have one of the dogs, I guess"

Oh and peter was at the party too, but there's shit about that in the quote hell

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