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Ryro: you know what I don't understand

Ryro: life

Ryro: like why is it so complicated

Ryro: not even for all life, just humans

Ryro: like all animals have to focus on is surviving

Ryro: and that's true for humans too, but its so much harder for us

Ryro: all they have to do is find food, water, and shelter

Ryro: all of that free to them

Ryro: now that's true of us, but none of its free, and there's more shit thrown in there

Ryro: get food and a house, sounds simple

Ryro: but its not

Ryro: to get food and a house, you need a decent paying job

Ryro: to get a decent paying job you need to have a good education

Ryro: to get a good education you need money

Ryro: and to get money you need a job

Ryro: but most jobs don't pay well enough to afford good education, food, shelter, and other basic necessities

Ryro: especially when you're still in school trying to work at the same time

Ryro: you can't work as many hours and get experience for a better job because you're trying to get education for a better job

Ryro: and then job requirements come in

Ryro: a few years of experience and being at least decent at the job

Ryro: again, sounds simple

Ryro: but you can't get those few years of experience until that job is given to someone else because you were too busy working a shitty job to meet the requirements for that one

Ryro: life is too fucking complicated

Brendick: are you done

Ryro: yeah

Brendick: ok

Brendick: Ryan

Brendick: do me a favor

Brendick: and go the fuck to sleep

Ryro: but I'm not tired

Brendick: right

Brendick: you just come up with that shit when you're completely energizer and your thoughts aren't clouded at all

Ryro: yes

Brendick: bullshit



Brendick: last night

Brendick: so Tuesday night

Brendick: its now Wednesday night

Brendick: go to sleep

Ryro: you're not the boss of me

Brendick: jesus christ I'm too tired for this

Ryro: :)

Brendick: :|

Ryro: the fuck is that

Brendick: I was trying to do like some kinda poker face thing but it didn't work

Ryro: hm

Brendick: yeah

Me writing an essay: alright this is a bunch of bullshit but it's some strong bullshit so it should get me a good grade

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