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Ryro: what's the meaning of life

Ryro: why do we stay alive

Ryro: is there a reason to stay alive

Ryro: huh its four am

Ryro: you're probably asleep

Ryro: well

Ryro: whenever you read this

Ryro: hope you slept well

Ryro: bye Bren

Like an hour later I don't know

Brendick: yo I'm up now if you're still questioning existence

Brendick: wait wait wait

Brendick: what do you mean "bye"

Brendick: Ryan I swear to god if you did something stupid

Brendick: I'm coming to your house and if you aren't peacefully asleep someone's gonna have hell coming to them

Brendon runs to Ryan's house in almost comeplete darkness and pounds on the door. George opens the door, tired and confused. "Brendon, why are you here at five thirty in the morning?"

"Have you seen Ryan yet this morning?" Brendon asks, frantic.

"No? He doesn't get up for like another half hour."

Brendon pushes past George and runs up to Ryan's room. Going in, he hears music blasting from Ryan's bathroom. He attents to open the bathroom door, only to find it locked.

"Ryan open the fucking door right now!" He yells, pounding on this door too. To his surprise, Ryan actually does so, and Brendon is met with a shirtless Ryan looking either confused or annoyed.

"What the actual fuck, Brendon?" Ryan asks, confused as all hell. Brendon wraps his arms around the older, letting out tears he didn't know he was holding in. All of Ryan's confusion leaves him, and is replaced by worry and concern for his boyfriend.

"Hey," he says softly, hugging Brendon back and rubbing his back softly. "What's wrong babe?" Brendon shakes his head, burying his nose in Ryan's neck and breathing in his scent. Ryan leads them out of the bathroom over to his bed. "Talk to me, Bren."

"It's nothing."

"It's obviously something."

"No, I just... I thought you did something, cause of how you sounded when you texted me earlier, and I was scared shitless. But it's fine now, cause you're fine... I don't want to lose you, Ry. I can't lose you. I need you."

"You won't lose me Bren, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

"Good." Brendon pulls away from Ryan, a smirk playing at his lips. "You know, you look good shirtless."

Ryan shoves him playfully. "Fuck off."

Apparently like the entire band ships me and my friend
And we're Freshmen Ship Number One™
According to one of my brothers friends, we're like an old married couple

I need to rant and my family wont listen so I'm gonna tell a bunch of people I don't actually know
So we had a game last night, and one of our bass drums
His fucking

He literally only had one thing to remember to bring on the bus (we load the drums on the cheer leader bus cause they have more room) and he fucking forgot

Now this kid sucks at drumming, I'm convinced he doesn't even know what an eighth note is
So for some reason,  the band director decided,  hey,  instead of making him just not play, cause that's what he should have done,  let's take one stick from the other two bass drummers, that are actually good at playing their drum, so they're stuck playing with only one stick
So me and the other drummer were  playing three measures of sixteenth notes with only one stick, cadencing out with only one stick, while the one who plays off beat on a fucking quarter note messed us up by playing too damn fast because "he wasn't used to the kind of mallet he was using"

Well bitch maybe if you fucking remembered to bring your damn drum sticks you wouldnt have that problem

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