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Brendick: what if pop cans are alive

Ryro: excuse me

Ryro: in this house we say soda

Brendick: well in that house you're fucking wrong

Brendick: and I wasn't done bitch shut up

Brendick: each time you take one out of the pack you're kidnapping it

Brendick: and each time you open one you're snapping its neck

Brendick: putting it through so much fucking pain

Brendick: but you don't think about the pain you're causing

Brendick: only you're sick needs of hydration

Ryro: ,,are you ok

Brendick: no

Brendick: I'm not fucking ok

Brendick: I'm like lowkey crying over this

Ryro: wait seriously tho

Brendick: im really emotional right now ok

Brendick: I can't handle this



Ryro: Bren do you need a hug

Brendick: I do

Ryro: hug your dog or something

Brendick: wow

Brendick: bitch

Ryro: I can't leave my house

Brendick: why not

Brendick: are you grounded

Ryro: ok

Ryro: what could I have possibly done to get grounded

Brendick: I don't know man

Ryro: I can't leave cause my grandpa is here and he'll throw a fucking fit if I leave

Brendick: tell him to share

Brendick: sharing is caring

Ryro: yeah but you see

Ryro: the thing is

Ryro: I don't think my grandpa gives two shits about you

Brendick: if he loves you he should let you go

Ryro: jesus you make it sound like I'm being held hostage

Brendick: well

Brendick: would you rather be there or with me

Ryro: with you ?

Brendick: and they're stopping you from leaving

Brendick: so technically you are being held hostage

Ryro: you know

Ryro: you're a fucking idiot

Brendick: I'm right tho

Ryro: yeah

Ryro: but you're still an idiot

Brendick: ,,ok fuck off

Ryro: :)


I saw this and was lowkey freaking out thinking that the hiatus was overBut then I remembered that its not actually Tyler Joseph, its just an account that got really lucky with their name

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I saw this and was lowkey freaking out thinking that the hiatus was over
But then I remembered that its not actually Tyler Joseph, its just an account that got really lucky with their name

So many people I go to school with are finding my Instagram and like they don't know I'm a piece of trash so I feel like I need to change my profile picture but like I don't know what to change it to ??

I have a test on part of The Odyssey today and like I really wish I could answer on the test like I did to my brother when he was helping me study cause like
Some of them are great

Q: what were the men warned not to touch while on Helios' island
A: Helios was like "Hey bitches, don't touch my spaghet" and then they did and he killed them

Q: how did Odysseus first introduce himself to the Cyclops
A: Homer thought he was real fucking funny and was like "hey you know what would be great? If I called him 'Nohbdy'" like yeah real fucking clever you bitch

Q: how did Odysseus show a human flaw
A: after he got out of Polyphemus' cave thing and was back at sea he was like "Hey cyclops, suck my dick, bitch" and then Polyphemus was mad and he threw a mountain at them, but the mountain missed and Odysseus was like "Bitch you can't see the fuck are you doing" and then Poseidon was like "fuck off you dick heads" and sent this huge ass wave

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